dimarts, 23 de novembre del 2010

The Unió de Radioaficionats Andorrans (URA) held the closing ceremony of the 30th anniversary with a gala dinner brought together some fifty people including members and friends.
 The event, which took place in Naturlandia, in the parish of Sant Julia de Loria, was attended by various national authorities as the MI Foreign Minister, Mr.  Xavier Espot, who attended both as a member of MI Government of Andorra as well as honorary president of the association.Also we enjoyed the assistance of the Hon. Minister of Sports of Sant Julia de Loria, Mr. Oliver Alís. And Mr. Alexander Beenning representing Andorra and Telecom as a partner of the partnership (C33AB).
 As far as international representatives, was an honor to receive the first time in Andorra by a representative of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) with the assistance of Vice Tafa Diop. (6W1KI) Associations REF and URE were also present with Paul Granger (F6EXV) and Gerard Debelle (F2VX) Emetteurs by the Réseau des Français (REF) to France and the vice president of the Union of Radioaficionados Españoles (URE) Pere Espunya ( EA3CUU) by Spain.

During the ceremony took delivery of the silver badges for members who were 25 years as partners of URA. And also the 30th anniversary of the diplomas URA all participating partners in April with special indicative C35 and C36, which were about 15,000 contacts.

The Union of Radio Andorra (URA) was handed a silver badge in the IARU Vice Tafa Diop (6W1KI)On the other hand, the URA received a box made of sand with the logo of the 30th anniversary of URA. Also a commemorative plaque by the URE and another by the REF.

The closing ceremony was also in news print in Monday's edition of the newspaper on BONDIA journal and the news in TV Andorra 
Television .ATV 

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